
High-quality supervision is essential to a sound doctoral education. As supervisors at the Doctoral School in Education, we provide you with the guidance and support you need to successfully complete your research project. All supervisors have extensive experience in supervising doctoral projects and regularly exchange ideas to continuously develop the quality of supervision. We welcome you to contact your (future) supervisors to discuss your research ideas and research projects.
The research areas of the supervisors are:

  • Comparative and International Education
    Barbara Schulte
    Research Focus: Education as national and global instrument of governance – including: deregulation, privatization, and marketization of education; PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) as policy tool, Education in developing contexts – in particular, South-South cooperation and China’s engagement in Africa, Education, innovation and new technologies – including the use of ICT4E (information and communication technologies for education) in impoverished/disadvantaged areas, Education, migration and ethnic minorities, with regional focus on Southwest China
  • Developmental and Educational Psychology in School Age
    Marko Lüftenegger
    Research focus: Evaluation of educational measures as well as the development and promotion of motivation and emotions in educational contexts and the development and evaluation of measures
  • Didactics of Geography and economic education
    Christiane Hintermann
    Research Focus: Theory of the didactics of the subject GW, Content-related and methodological innovations in the didactics of the subject, Textbook analysis, Migration and diversity in the teaching of GW
  • Didactics of History
    Georg Marschnig
    Research Focus: Places, Practices and Media of Historical Culture, Language sensitivity in historical-political learning, Theory and practice of history teaching, Remembrance, Memory, Commemoration, Contemporary history and political education
  • Didactics of Mathematics
    • Johann Humenberger
      Research Focus: Didactics of mathematics, especially: Mathematics as a process, applications in mathematics education, Problem solving (heuristics), Elementary mathematics (especially geometry and stochastics)
    • Christoph Ableitinger
      Research Focus: Didactics of mathematics at secondary level, university didactics in mathematics teacher training, procedural mathematical knowledge and procedural flexibility
    • Stefan Götz
      Research Focus: Didactics of Mathematics and Elementary Mathematics
  • Didactics of Natural Sciences
    • Anja Lembens
      Research Focus: Development of an appropriate understanding of science (Scientific Literacy), Nature of Science / Nature of Science (NOS), Inquiry Based Teaching and Learning, Competency Based Teaching and Learning
    • Martin Hopf
      Research Focus: Didactics of physics, Effectiveness of learning environments, Learning processes in the field of mechanics, Conceptual change in teachers
    • Andrea Möller
      Research Focus: Didactics of Biology
    • Claudia Maria Angele
      Research Focus: Nutrition Sciences with special emphasis on the Didactics
  • Didactics of Political Education
    Dirk Lange
    Research Focus: Civic awareness, Democracy education, Inclusive citizenship, Migration policy education, Political education research, Historical-political education

    Britta Breser
    Research Focus: Democracy education, Political education research & social transformation, Historical-political education, Aesthetic education, European political education, Educational ethics, Teacher education
  • Didactics of Religion
    Martin Rothgangel
    Research Focus: Religious Educational Research on anti-Semitism, Religious Educational Research on Theology and Science, Philosophy of Science in Religious Education, Empirical Research in Religious Education, Theory of Subject Didactics, Research Design in Subject Didactics and Religious Didactics
  • Educational Research and Theory
    Henning Schluß
    Research Focus: Pedagogy in the Anthropocene, on pedagogy in the GDR (with a long-term project on historical teaching records), and on the relationship of religion and theology to pedagogy.
  • Educational Science
    Evi Agostini
    Research Focus: Learning and Teaching Research, Responsive School Development, Aesthetic Education, Pedagogical Ethos, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Educational Technology
    • Fares Kayali
      Research Focus: Participative Design and Human-Computer Interaction in the context of education, Game-based Learning and Gamification, Technology-based teaching and learning, Digitisation in education, Motivational enhancement and technology-enhanced learning
    • Renate Motschnig
      Research Focus: Didactics and Entertainment Computing
  • Education and Inequality
    Veronika Wöhrer
    Research Focus: Intersectional analysis of inequality in educational institutions, Gender studies, qualitative methods, participatory methods
  • Empirical Education Research   
    Judith Schoonenboom
    Research Focus: Designing education and social science empirical research in which various methods are combined (mixed methods research), foundations of mixed methods research.

    Dominik Fröhlich

    Research Focus: I deal with questions of research methods (mixed methods, social network analysis), learning in the context of work (e.g. informal learning or careers) and didactic formats (such as service learning or research-based learning). 
  • Foundations of Education
    Daniel Tröhler
    Research Focus: Historical and comparative analysis of educational language, Nation building and curriculum: The cultural construction of school subjects, Epistemology and knowledge, History and historiography of education, Globalization and Globalization theories in education
  • Gender Studies
    Sabine Grenz
    Research Focus: Qualitative empirical methodology (especially discourse analysis), Gender methodology and epistemology, Gender, diversity and intersectionality, Gender, secularism and religion, Gender and sexuality/sexualities (especially in connection with commercial sexuality), Historical perspectives on gender constructions, Institutionalisation and history of Gender Studies
  • Inclusive Education
    • Helga Fasching
      Research Focus:Inclusive Education, Transition between school and work, Job related participation, Educational and vocational inequality research, Systemic counselling and therapy concepts, Qualitative research methods, Participative research 
    • Susanne Schwab
      Research Focus: Professions research in the context of inclusive school development, social participation and inclusion; research on education and schooling in the context of diversity and social inequality; evaluation of language support measures (e.g. German support classes)
  • Language Education
    • Eva Vetter
      Research Focus: Multilingualism, Classroom Research, Discourse Analysis, Language Teaching and Learning Research, Language Contact and Conflict Research, Francophonie
    • Stefan Krammer
      Research Focus: German literature (19th to 21st century),Didactics of literature and media, Rhetoric, semiotics, deconstruction, Drama and theatre theory, Politics and literature, Gender (especially masculinity research)
    • Hannes Schweiger
      Research Focus: Culture-reflexive teaching and learning, Didactics of literature and literary learning in DaF*Daz, Teaching of literature, Linguistic education in school, Science propaedeutics in school (pre-scientific work), Education of criticizing racism, Cultural transfer relations, Literature and migration
    • Christiane Dalton-Puffer
      Research Focus: English as a language of teaching and learning in schools and universities
    • Julia Hüttner
      Research Focus: educational approaches where English is used as a medium of instruction for non-language subjects, with a specific interest in disciplinary language / literacy; teacher cognition and development
  • Media Education
    Christian Swertz
    Research Focus: Media and the Formation of the Person, Critical Media Literacy, Technology Enhanced Learning and E-Learning, Video Games
  • Psychoanalysis and Education
    Wilfried Datler
    Research Focus: Topics and issues in the borderline and overlapping area of psychoanalysis, pedagogy and psychotherapy (psychoanalytic pedagogy; psychoanalysis and education) including the consideration of different ages and institutional contexts; emotions and their significance in pedagogical processes; relationship between theory and practice as well as training and professionalization.
  • School Pedagogy
    Nele Kampa
    Research Focus: Abilities in science and mathematics, Heterogeneity, Teaching quality in heterogeneous  settings, abilities and outcomes in upper secondary education, profession research