Doctoral School in Education
"Global Histories and Futures of Educational Futures: An Analysis of UNESCO’s Educational Agenda"
Prof. Noah W. Sobe, Loyola University Chicago, IL...
"Psychoanalytically-informed interventions in communities marked by unconscious and disavowed collective processes" – HS1 Sensengasse 3a, 1st floor,...
You want to experience community, have fun with social activities and share questions and concerns?! Come and join our PhD Club!
Defence of our Fellow Eileen: Friday, April 12 on Zoom
"Theories, Policies and Practices in Educational Research in the 21st Century"
14th.-16th. February 2024
Institut für Bildungswissenschaft,...
Dates for the faculty-wide presentation in winter/summer semester 2023/24
Here you can find the potential dates for the FöP in winter and summer semester