Getting Published in Academic Journals

May 9, 2025 | 10:30am-12:30pm | SR 7, Sensengasse 3a, 2nd floor

In this workshop I will draw on my experiences both as editor for the Taylor and Francis journal – Globalisation, Societies and Education, as well as being a researcher and writer myself. I will explore some of the challenges and possibilities facing early career researchers as they enter the world of academic publishing. We will look at what makes for a compelling abstract, how to develop arguments, contributing to special issues, collaborating on writing papers with others, and how to get your work noticed once it is out there. We’ll also spend some time sharing ideas around academic writing practices, such as how to find space and time to write, developing your own distinctive voice, getting over writer’s block, and how to make the best use of AI.  

Susan L. Robertson is a Professor of Sociology of Education, University of Manchester, and Bye-Fellow at Wolfson College, Cambridge. Prior to this she held the Chair in Sociology at the University of Cambridge and was also Head of Faculty. Susan has published widely in the area of the political sociology of education, largely drawing from critical realism as an underpinning philosophical position. She has made major contributions to work on globalisation, state transformations, multi-scalar governance, teachers’ labour and social justice. Susan co-founded (with Roger Dale) the journal Globalisation, Societies and Education.

Registration at by May 2.


Negotiation and Communication Workshop

June 6, 2025 | 9am-5pm | SR 7, Sensengasse 3a, 2nd floor

In the multifaceted world of the academic profession, doctoral students face demanding challenges every day. In addition to striving for the highest level of professional excellence, they must also have negotiating skills, eloquence and the ability to take a solution-oriented approach.    

The Master Negotiator Workshop focuses on the concrete application of the basic principles of the Harvard concept in an academic context. Participants have the opportunity to try out proven techniques to maximize their negotiation results. In addition to refining existing existing skills, they gain effective tools for professional communication and targeted preparation.    

This workshop, with trainer Svitlana Kalitsun, provides participants with practical strategies and exercises so that they can 1. negotiate better results, 2. create added value for everyone involve, 3. deal skillfully with challenging situations and negotiating partners, and 4. improve their negotiation and communication techniques and put them into practice the very next day.    

Registration at by May 28.


Autumn Writing Retreat

September 29 – October 3, 2025

Working on a doctoral dissertation or a journal article often presents challenges related to the writing itself, but also to time, space and priorities. This situation can be isolating and frustrating. To support you in your writing endeavors, the DSE offers the Autumn Writing Retreat in a beautiful monastery Austria (precise location is tba).

Whether you are writing a monograph or a research paper for a cumulative dissertation, this Autumn Writing Retreat offers a unique opportunity in the active writing phase of your dissertation. You will work in a concentrated environment with professional guidance necessary to make significant progress. The primary objective is to help you advance your writing project by providing a focused space for concentrated writing, as well as individual coaching and support from our academic writing coach Melanie Sindelar.

Terms and conditions:

  • The DSE covers all the costs for accommodation, all meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and coffee breaks), as well as for the writing coach.
  • Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses.
  • Please be aware that PCs or laptops cannot be provided and participants are expected to bring their own devices. It is also recommended to bring any necessary materials to ensure a comfortable writing experience.
  • Applicants must have successfully passed the public presentation at the Faculty (FÖP) and submitted the doctoral thesis agreement. This program is specifically designed for doctoral candidates who are actively engaged in the writing phase of their research projects.

How to apply:

Send the completed form together with a writing sample of ~2 pages (as ONE pdf) by July 15, 2025 to Applicants will be notified on the status of their application by mid August. 

Finalizing Workshop Series

Ending the PhD: Last steps, submission, defense, offboarding, and the "life after" ...

Ending a PhD era is often related to countless challenges, questions and felt errors on different levels. How to finish the dissertation, when to submit what and where, whom to ask for what, expectations from various sides, what to do to finish, how is the defense organized and what comes afterwards, … and a lot of question marks. This Finalizing Workshop Series is meant to guide and support you through this final phase in four distinct steps:

Friday, Nov. 28, 2025: Workshop "Almost done! The last steps towards my PhD" with Trainer Lea Polesi (inoltre')

  • 10-12am: Self-organization: Motivation, Priorities, Time-Management
  • 2-4pm: Transition/s: Defense, Letting go ... and what comes next?

Friday, Dec. 5, 2025: "Secrets of the Experienced" and the "Administrative ... stuff"

  • 10:15-11:45am: Professors and PostDocs tell about expectations, experiences, and pitfalls
  • 2-4pm: Guideline through submission, deadlines, etc. - the formal what-where-when-how of finalizing

Registration at by Nov. 15 – For the 28.11., only a full-day registration is possible; for the 5.12. you can also register for only one of the two slots.
